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Skilled workers with training qualification

28.05.2024 - Artikel

General information

The issuance of a visa to skilled workers with training qualification is based on the requirements set out in Section 18a of the Residence Act. To apply for this visa, you need

- to have successfully completed quality vocational training in Germany or have a foreign quality vocational qualification which is equivalent to one acquired in Germany. Vocational qualification in a state-recognised or similarly regulated occupation lasting at least two years as determined by federal or state provisions constitutes quality vocational training.

- to engage in skilled employment in Germany. Work requiring skills, knowledge and abilities acquired in a course of study or in quality vocational training constitutes skilled employment.

Basic information

  • You have to submit your visa application according to Section 18a of the Residence Act to the external service provider TLScontact. Information about the services TLScontact offers and how to make appointments can be found in German and English on the TLScontact website.

  • All application documents must be submitted in original with 1 copy.

  • Please sort the documents in the order listed below.

  • Documents not in the German or English language must be submitted with a certified German or English translation.
  • The Embassy reserves the right to request additional documents in individual cases.
  • Incomplete application forms as well as applications with incomplete documents will delay processing and may lead to rejection of the application.
  • Processing time is as a rule ca. 1 to 2 months but can take longer in individual cases. If the Foreigners authority issues a so-called preliminary approval to the visa according to Section 81a of the Residence Act (“Fast-track procedure for skilled workers”), the processing time is ca. 2 weeks.
  • Please do not contact the mission abroad to check the status of your application during the normal processing period. Such inquiries are extremely time-consuming for the visa section and can thus not be answered.

For your application we require the following documents:

  1. Passport and 1 copy of the data page. If you are a foreigner residing in Kenya, Burundi, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan or the Seychelles, you have to show a valid residence permit for the country of residence.
  2. 1 completed and duly signed application form including information provided to applicants pursuant to Section 54 of the Residence Act
  3. 2 current, identical biometric passport photos with a white background
  4. Signed information pursuant to section 18 (2) no. 4a of the Residence Act (AufenthG) – Requirement to have a concrete job offer
  5. Curriculum vitae in German or English, gapless
  6. Completed form signed by your employer: “Declaration regarding a contract of employment
  7. From the age of 45: Proof of adequate provision for old age (only if salary does not amount to at least 55% of the annual contribution assessment ceiling for the general pension insurance scheme – 2024: 4,152.50 EUO gross/per month / 49,830.00 EUR gross/per annum)
  8. Proof of qualification - For example, diplomas, certificates, work log and proof of completion
  9. If you have a foreign quality vocational qualification: notification of recognition of foreign vocational training
    • Written notification of the agency responsible for recognition of vocations in Germany
    • or (in the case of regulated professions in which permission is required to exercise the profession, for example, in the care sector; complete list is available from the Federal Employment Agency or the European Commission)
    • Permission to exercise a profession issued by the authority responsible for recognising qualifications or assurance of permission to exercise a profession (original and two (2) copies) (for example, for medical professions)
    • More information on recognition: www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de
  10. Proof of incoming health insurance coverage, valid for one year beginning with date of entry to Germany
  11. If applicable: preliminary approval to the visa according to Section 81a of the Residence Act (“Fast-track procedure for skilled workers”) issued by the Foreigners Authority
  12. Visa fee in the amount 75 Euros, payable in Kenyan Shillings

This fact sheet reflects the legal situation at the time of drafting it. It is regularly updated but makes no claim to be complete. Authoritative version of the fact sheet is the German version.

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