Online appointment

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Schengen visa
The German Embassy Nairobi has outsourced the application process for Schengen visa to the external service Provider TLScontact on 01 May 2022. All applications for Schengen visa must be handed in at the Visa Application Centres of TLScontact in Nairobi. Please refer to their website which will guide you through the application process.
National visa
The receipt of national visa applications in the categories of vocational training (Section 16a of the German Residence Act), advanced vocational training (Section 16a of the Residence Act), internships and training programmes (Sections 16a and 16e of the Residence Act and Section 15 of the Ordinance on the Employment of Foreigners), studies (Section 16b of the German Residence Act), measures regarding the recognition of foreign professional qualifications (Section 16d of the German Residence Act), skilled workers with vocational training qualification (Section 18a of the German Residence Act), skilled workers holding a university degree (Section 18b of the Residence Act), research and science (Section 18d and 19c (in accordance with Section 5 of the Ordinance on the Employment of Foreigners) of the German Residence Act) and the EU Blue Card (Section 18g of the Residence Act) has been outsourced to the external service provider TLScontact.
Visa applications for the Opportunity Card must be submitted online via the consular services portal.
The German Embassy Nairobi introduced three convenient appointment waiting lists where you can register for an appointment to apply for all other national visa categories.
On the first waiting list you can register for an appointment for all national visa categories except the above mentioned categories and the family reunification to persons entitled to protection.
On the second waiting list you can register for an appointment to apply for the family reunification to persons entitled to protection (except the family reunification to persons granted subsidiary protection status).
On the third waiting list you can register for an appointment to apply for the family reunification to persons granted subsidiary protection status.
You cannot book appointments directly anymore. This easy registration procedure allows us to allocate you an appointment as soon as it becomes available in the order of the registrations received.
Please continue here to register on the first or the second waiting list.
Please continue here to register on the third waiting list.