
Visa for researchers and scientists

12.08.2024 - Article

General information

The issuance of a visa for the purpose of research and academics is based on the requirements set out in Section 18d or 19c (in accordance with Section 5 of the Ordinance on the Employment of Foreigners) of the German Residence Act.

To apply for a corresponding visa, you must work/become active in Germany as

- academic staff at higher education institutions as well as research and development institutions;

- visiting academic personnel and engineer as well as technician working in the capacity of technical staff on the research team of visiting academic personnel at higher education institutions or research institutions under public law or which are predominantly funded by public resources or run as a public enterprise in a private legal form;

- researcher who has concluded an effective hosting agreement or an equivalent contract to carry out a research project with a research organization.

Basic information

- You have to submit your visa application for the purpose of research/academics to the external service provider TLScontact. Information about the services TLScontact offers and how to make appointments can be found in German and English on the TLScontact website.

- All application documents must be submitted in original with 1 copy.

- Please sort the documents in the order listed below.

- Documents not in the German or English language must be submitted with a certified German or English translation.

- The Embassy reserves the right to request additional documents in individual cases.

- Incomplete application forms as well as applications with incomplete documents will delay processing and may lead to rejection of the application.

- Processing time is as a rule ca. 1 to 2 months but can take longer in individual cases.

- Please do not contact the mission abroad to check the status of your application during the normal processing period. Such inquiries are extremely time-consuming for the visa section and can thus not be answered.

For your application we require the following documents:

  1. Passport and 1 copy of the data page. If you are a foreigner residing in Kenya, Burundi, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan or the Seychelles, you have to show a valid residence permit for the country of residence.
  2. 1 completed and duly signed application form.
    1. A digital application form to be completed online can be found on https://videx-national.diplo.de
  3. 2 current, identical biometric passport photos with a white background
  4. Signed information pursuant to section 18 (2) no. 4a of the Residence Act (AufenthG) – Requirement to have a concrete job offer. Please sign this form
  5. Curriculum vitae in German or English, gapless
  6. -
    1. For researchers: signed hosting agreement or an equivalent signed contract to carry out a research project
    2. For (visiting) academic staff:
      1. signed contract with higher education institutions or research and development institutions. The contract must contain the following information:
        1. the type of scientific activity
        2. the position to be filled
        3. the duration of the stay
        4. the financing of the stay (either the amount of the salary or the amount of the scholarship and from what resources this scholarship is granted)
        5. the name of the institution inviting the staff
        6. If necessary, proof of the recognition of the respective research institution by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
      2. form “Declaration regarding a contract of employment”
  7. Proof of qualifications:
    1. For researchers: Proof of a doctoral degree or university degree that opens access to doctoral programs.
    2. For (visiting) scientists: university degree
  8. For researchers only: written obligation to cover costs expended by public bodies up to six months after the termination of the hosting agreement - this can be waived if the research institution's activities are predominantly financed from public funds or there is a particular public interest.
  9. For researchers only: written obligation to cover costs expended by public bodies up to six months after the termination of the hosting agreement - this can be waived if the research institution's activities are predominantly financed from public funds or there is a particular public interest.
  10. Proof of incoming health insurance coverage, valid for one year from entry into Germany or for the entire period of stay in Germany (if the stay is less than one year)
  11. Visa fee in the amount 75 Euros, payable in Kenyan Shillings

This fact sheet reflects the legal situation at the time of drafting it. It is regularly updated but makes no claim to be complete. Authoritative version of the fact sheet is the German version.

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