
Outsourcing of the receipt of certain D visa application categories to TLScontact

30.05.2024 - Article

The receipt of national visa applications in the categories of vocational training (Section 16a of the German Residence Act), studies (Section 16b of the German Residence Act), measures regarding the recognition of foreign professional qualifications (Section 16d of the German Residence Act) and research and science (Section 18d and 19c (in accordance with Section 5 of the Ordinance on the Employment of Foreigners) of the German Residence Act) will be outsourced to the external service provider TLScontact from 03.06.2024.

Submission of applications in these categories will then only be possible at TLScontact and no longer at the German Embassy Nairobi.

Why is the receipt of applications outsourced to TLScontact?

By outsourcing the application receipt process, there will no longer be any waiting times for appointments for the application categories mentioned. The German Embassy Nairobi will also free up capacity to process higher numbers of applications.

Where is the Visa Application Center located and when is it open?

The address of the Visa Application Center is as follows: 4th Floor, 9 West Building, Ring Road Parklands, Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya

Visa applications can be submitted to TLScontact between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) after booking an appointment in advance.

How can I book an appointment with TLScontact to submit my visa application?

You can book the appointment on the TLScontact website.

Does TLScontact charge a fee for accepting visa applications?

Yes. The service fee is 28.50 euros per application converted into Kenyan shillings.

In addition, TLScontact offers, for a fee, to make photocopies and biometric photos, send passports by courier and inform applicants via SMS when the passport is ready for collection.

Will the German Embassy Nairobi continue to process visa applications?

Yes. TLScontact only accepts the applications and then sends them to the German Embassy Nairobi, where the applications are processed and decided upon.

Where can I find the information sheets for the outsourced application categories?

The information sheets can be found both on the website of the German Embassy Nairobi and on the website of the external service provider.

Where do I have to habitually reside in order to submit an application to TLScontact?

If your habitual residence is in Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, Burundi, Sudan or the Seychelles, then the German Embassy Nairobi is responsible for processing your national visa application. You can then submit your application for one of the application categories mentioned to TLScontact.

I want to apply for a visa for advanced vocational training (“berufliche Weiterbildung”). Can I also submit this application to TLScontact?

No. Visa applications for advanced vocational training must still be submitted directly to the German Embassy in Nairobi. This requires prior appointment registration on the Embassy's waiting list.

I want to apply for a visa for a training internship. Can I also submit this application to TLScontact?

No. Visa applications for training internships must still be submitted directly to the German Embassy in Nairobi. This requires prior appointment registration on the Embassy's waiting list.

I want to apply for a visa for a language course that does not serve to prepare for training or study. Can I also submit this application to TLScontact?

No. Visa applications for language courses that do not serve to prepare for training or study must still be submitted directly to the German Embassy in Nairobi. This requires prior appointment registration on the embassy's waiting list.

I want to apply for a visa in one of the application categories mentioned and already have preliminary approval in the fast-track procedure for skilled workers. Should I then also submit my application to TLScontact?

You can submit your application both to TLScontact and directly to the German Embassy Nairobi after registering an appointment in advance on the Embassy's waiting list. You will receive an appointment at the Embassy within three weeks of registration.

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